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Answer: All Buyers and Sellers registered on GeM Portal can access the Interactive Training Courses after completing the one-time registration on the interactive LMS.

Answer: Yes, a valid email account is required to sign up and access the interactive training courses. An activation link will be sent to that email ID.

Answer: A User can create only one single user ID with one email ID.

Answer: All users registering as a “Buyer” will need to register with a "" or "" email ID.

Answer: You can reset or change your password by clicking the 'Forgot password' link. An email with a link will be sent to your registered email ID, through which you will be able to reset or change your password.

Answer: To sign up as “Other User”, fill in your details and select “Other” as the role from the dropdown menu. The LMS administrator will then verify your details and create an “Other User” LMS ID, post successful verification.

Answer: Government Training Institutes, Seller Body and Industrial Associations which have tie-ups with GEM.

Answer: You have to share your Name, Phone Number, Name of Institution / Organisation and email ID when you are registering as “Other User”. Government Officials are mandated to register with their “” or “” email ID. For Government Training Institutes, Seller Bodies and Industrial Associations users, their official organisational email ID required for registration.

Answer: In this case you will select your “Organisation Type” in the drop down, then select “Others” in the “Ministry/State" dropdown. In “Department” & “Organisation” dropdowns select “N/A” and then you can type your Details under “Office/Zone”.*

*Note: Please do not register as “Other” user if you do not see your Department name in the dropdowns available and kindly use the process defined above to register as a Buyer.


Answer: “GeM Interactive Training Courses” are newly developed eLearning courses that allow users to interact and engage with the learning content. These are self-paced learning courses which also enable the user to get certified on completion of the course.

Answer: To set your preferred language, click on the User tab and then select “Preferences” option. Here, click on “Preferred language” option to set your language.

Answer: Please be aware that if you change your preferred language, any progress you've made until now will be lost completely.

Answer: Click on the “User” tab and select “Profile” option to edit or update your personal details.

Answer: Course details can be checked under the “Journey” tab and “My courses” section.

Answer: Set your screen resolution to 1024 x 764 or higher for a better viewing experience.

Answer: Click on the blue icon under a course. Then, click on “enter”. A pop-up window will emerge to assist in initiating the course. Please ensure that any pop-up blockers are disabled to allow access to the course. Once it opens, click on the “Play” button.

Answer: Certification courses can be accessed under the “Interactive Buyer Certification Courses” tab and “My Course” section.

Answer: The “Dashboard” provides users with a summary of their progress based on the courses and topics enrolled in.

Answer: Your computer must have the following to seamlessly access the new interactive eLearning content:
Firefox 1.5 and higher • Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher • Google Chrome

Answer: Mail us at

Answer: Any user who enrolls as a “Buyer” can complete the GeM Interactive Buyer Certification Courses. The user will need to complete the following stages to complete the certification successfully:
  • Complete all interactive e-learning modules in the certification course. Users need to ensure that only “Next” button is used to progress from each topic. Skipping any topic / sub-topic will not allow the user to progress to the next e-learning module. A Green tick will be visible on the right side of each module once completed.
  • Complete the assessment and score 80% to move to the next stage.
  • Complete the participant feedback to be eligible to achieve the certificate.
  • View and download the Certificate

* Please note that the user will be able to progress to the next level of certification only after successfully completing the previous certification course.


Answer: After you have successfully completed a course, the system will unlock the ’Completion Certificates’ tile. Here, click on “View Certificate.” The certificate will open in a separate pop-up window upon clicking. In addition to the learner’s name, the certificate will also record the date the course was completed.
Alternatively, to print the certificate:
  • Click on “Completion Certificates”
  • Select “View PDF”